Nikon Lemix & Anam


(pictures courtesy CS)

Many Nikon collectors do not know that there is a range of regular Nikon cameras, Nikkor lenses and other Nikon photographic equipment carrying an additional Lemix and/or Anam name on it.

Why and who is Anam and Lemix?


Mr. Kim Hyang-Soo, an enterprising South-Korean citizen, started in 1921 a bicycle factory in Seoul, Korea. His business was flourishing, enabling him to offer his seven children a decent education and training (abroad). After the W.W. II he expended his business and became a sub-contractor to many Asian manufacturers. He offered them excellent electronic testing facilities and he was able to assemble semi-finished- and final products. Soon he stepped into the audio- and video business. He also became one of the important players in the semi-conductor market. Presently ANAM Industrial Co. Ltd, as this family business is called, is one of the largest producers of TV-, radio- and audio-equipment, household goods, process control instruments, watches and semi-conductors. It has an important branch - since 1968 - in the USA: AMKOR (= America + Korea), offering IC assembly and testing facilities to over 200 manufacturers.

In the early 1980's Anam became sub-contractor to Nikon Corporation and managed to get the permission to assemble various Nikon cameras, Nikkor lenses and other equipment (like battery chargers, camera bags, etc.) for the Korean market. All products do have the same specifications as the Japanese products, save the additional 'L' or 'ANAM' on it. Lemix is just a brand name and has nothing to do with companies with that name in China, Palestine and other countries. ANAM offers some products, like their battery chargers, for other camera manufacturers as well: Canon, Panasonic and others. Most of these articles are sold in Asia only.

Nikon F-301 with at the right front the 'L' in an oval.

Known cameras are the Nikon FG-20, Nikon FM, Nikon FM2, Nikon F-301, Nikon F-401, Nikon F-501, Nikon F-601, Nikon F-801/s, Nikon F-50 and Nikon F-90X as well as some Nikon film and digital compact cameras, like the Nikon L35AD2 and the Nikon SQ.

Some standard lenses have a similar marking on the outside body as well.


'ANAM' Nikon F-801S and 'ANAM' Nikon F-601QD.

Although some ANAM and Lemix Nikon equipment has been sold in Vietnam too, in the rest of the world this equipment has become rare, thus interesting for Nikon collectors.