
digital overhead projector / visual presenter / imager

rear projector / multimedia projector


Since the late 1990's Nikon Corporation offered various digital overhead projectors and - as Nikon called them - visual presenters or imagers. These two presenters - Nikon PI-30E (seen on this page) and the Nikon PI-30X - have a built-in digital camera with which documents can be scanned or pictured and projected via an additional (not Nikon) beamer, other projector or TV-set.


The foldable PI-30E presenter, featuring a 1/3 inch CCD sensor with 738x582 pixels (output 800x600 pixels = nearly 0.5 Mp), can capture via a PS-Nikkor any document with a minimum size of 20 x 25 mm (at its maximum height of 195 mm) and a maximum size of 235 mm x 170 mm (at a height of a mere 5 mm!), while the PI-30X can master a minimum size of 16 x 12 mm. and a maximum size of 396 x 287 mm. The PI-30X has a sensor with 0.8 Mp. and some extras like an auto/manual zoom-Nikkor 3.5-4.2/4.5-64.8 mm, video capturing, one 4W fluorescent lamp, edited at a high frequency (and color temperature: 5000K), automatic and manual white balance, remote control and negative/positive conversion of the captured slide/image/object/document.

The two presenters are weighting in at 2.8 (E) and 5.5 (X) kilogram. They measure 190 x 420 x 680 (LxWxH) in operation.

Both presenters are powered via a Nikon PU-30 power unit and they have a connector for a mouse and microphone. When attached to a beamer (via SVGA output cable SV-20 or SV-50) an on-screen menu allows you to save or freeze any picture and to use an electronic pointer (via the mouse). Images can be rotated CW and CCW. The two digital presenters can capture an A4-format document without any optical distortion. It is also possible to place a small object on the plate. And the presenters accept a 35mm.-slide in a slot just under the lamp. An image can be stored on a CF-memory card via a PCMCIA-slot (PI-30X only) or transferred via a VGA-connector to a PC, laptop, beamer, recorder or TV-set. The visual presenters were/are mainly sold in Asia. In Europe and in the America's they are very rare and not cheap. The last known retail price was over 3.100 - 3.655 Euro (2008).

The Nikon PI-30X - finally - has a remote control, allowing to manage your presentation at distances up to 8 meters. It also has RGB (mini-D-sub 15 pins) connector, an S-Video (mini 14 pins), RCA-Video and USB connector.


Above the lamp unit the lens

PS-Nikkor (without technical specifications)



With the right VGA to Video-S converter you can show pictures on a TV-set or beamer.


Nikon Hyper Imager HI-300ES/XS

In March 1998 Nikon a more sophisticated digital overhead projector (see above) has been introduced. As you can see an A4 paper can be copied, as well as 35 mm slides, films and 16 mm. films. The projector has a power zoom lens (3.4-4.2/20.7-150.5 mm) and an output to SXGA or XGA multiscan projectors and/or multiscan monitors. A wired mouse or wireless remote control unit can be connected.


Multimedia Projector MP-2000


In August 1998 Nikon introduced this multimedia projector (aka beamer), with real SXGA high resolution (1,280 x 1,024 pixels) through incorporation of reflective light valve and a light output of 1,000 ANSI lumens. The projector depicted in the above photo is a prototype. Unclear is whether this projector was marketed or not. It has a zoom lens (3.5-4.2/54-75.6 mm) and a 270 W metal halide lamp, a contrast ration of 100:1 and can be connected to NTSC, PAL and SECAM video units.


Nikon rear projector

In August 1998 Nikon announced this prototype of a 55" high-resolution rear projector with SXGA reflective LCD light valve system. Via a single lens the screen (with a lenticular and fresnel lens) of 55" with a contrast ratio of 200:1 bright images from video equipment (NTSC, PAL and SECAM) or from computers can be shown accompanied by stereo sound. The entire projector is 1.76 meter high, 62.5 cm deep and 1.1 meter wide. It weights in at 75 kg! It is unclear whether this rear projector went for sale.